In addition to my individual psychotherapy, counseling, coaching and consulting practice, I also offer support groups, parent education, psychoeducation, creative and growth-oriented workshops. Please contact me if you wish to know more or want to be added to our contact lists.
Misophonia Info (Miso Info)
Status: Recruiting
Many have found that the pandemic has exacerbated their misophonia. I offer intermittent, town hall style information sessions devoted to helping people better understand this neurocognitive psychosocial behavioral phenomenon, especially as it impacts socializing and families, with time devoted to questions and answers.
Misophonia Mitigation (4M) Support Group
Status: Recruiting
I am piloting a multi modal misophonia mitigation (4M) intervention support group model to begin in the coming months. Contact me if you are interested in more information or to be put on a waiting list.
Gifted/2e Parent Support Group Series
Status: Recruiting
I am partnering with a fellow psychologist and parent of gifted young adults, Dr. Gail Post, to offer an on-line zoom parent of gifted/2e children support group series of 4 sessions- starting April 19. We will use The Gifted Parenting Journey authored by Dr. Gail Post, PhD, 2022, Gifted Unlimited press, as a resources, will provide questions for reflection prior to each group. Contact this office for more information, to join our mailing list or to sign up on our potential participant list.
SoulCollage® Workshops
Status: Seasonal
As a trained SoulCollage® facilitator, and board certified, registered art therapist, I intermittently facilitate on-line (and in the past and future, in-person) collage and mixed media meditative, self-reflective, and self-care workshops. See for information about this powerful medium.
Values of LightTM Workshops
Status: Coming Soon
Using a deck of value/virtue cards, I guide groups of people to individually identify their highest values They then generate actionable steps towards aligning their daily actions and goals with these values These workshops integrate meditation, relaxation, and creativity, with hands on sorting and categorizing techniques. Cognitive Behavioral, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Dialectical Behavior Therapy concepts inform the experience.
Women’s AD/HD Support Group
Status: On Hold (contact my office if interested)
I have been running support groups for women diagnosed with ADD/ADHD for over a decade. This support group model is a clinically informed meeting, drawing on many years of experience including working as a senior psychologist at The Hallowell Centers. Themes and structure are balanced between teaching, open discussion, and hands-on experiences depending on participants’ needs. The most recent format met twice monthly in the evenings at my office in Lexington, MA, but I will likely initiate an on-line zoom format in the near future.
The group involves a series of 6-8 meetings that regenerates a few times a year. Participants often opt to re-register, but there are usually a few openings each new series. I do not offer drop-in groups. Those interested in a clinical diagnostic evaluation should contact this practice for information on individual evaluations for AD/HD.