
Too often we shy away from, or take a pathologizing perspective of difference, and focus our attention on what is wrong, rather than what is right, or exceptional. The classification of “gifted” or “talented” used in my practice refers to those whose wiring places them outside the statistical norm in any realm of experience, quantifiable or not.

There are many definitions of Giftedness. I find the Columbus Group’s definition most helpful.

There is wide variability within those identified by quantifiable means (IQ and Achievement tests) as gifted, ranging from mild to profound, with a trend towards the higher the measured IQ the more unique and idiosyncratic one’s presence. But as it is said “You’ve seen one gifted person you’ve seen one gifted person”. Whether identified, labelled, understood or not, having exceptional wiring, being gifted, often requires more thoughtful educational, parenting, emotional, social, vocational, avocational, health, spiritual, and golden years/end of life choices. The greater the complexity and variability, the more clarification, advocacy, education, accommodations and support may be needed to make sense of co-existing strengths and asynchronies. The greatest risk is gifts masking challenges, and challenges masking gifts—the cancellation effect resulting in being misunderstood, unseen, misdiagnosed or ‘missed’ diagnosed.

Types of Giftedness

Kazimierz Dabrowski coined the terms ‘overexcitabilities,’ “superstimulabilities’ or ‘supersensitivities’ describing 5 domains: intellectual, sensual, emotional-social, imaginational-creative, psychomotor-physical in which one’s intensities can manifest. These are often referred to as possible realms of ‘giftedness’. Add to this list intuition, sensitivity to energy, environment, altruism/ethics or spirituality yields a broader definition of giftedness than previously (and problematically) used.

Our individual work will focus on your growth and vision for fulfillment that honors and aligns with your exceptional gifts and supports any challenges or asynchronies with which you contend. We also offer clarification of neuropsychological testing, parent support group for gifted/talented children, educational support advocacy, misophonia and sensory processing support, career and existential counseling.

Contact our office to get started.